How about an easy life and the ability to cheat death? After all, in 2014 alone Americans spent $3.8 Trillion on health care. Americans are living much longer because of all the medical advances as well. However, the truth is that the two certain things in life are still death and taxes. Taxes are the only category of the two that mankind can control.
As long as we are on this planet and in this flesh-wrapped body, there will be no easy life and death is certain. However, the Bible tells us that there is an offer of eternal life which will be spent in never-ending joy and without suffering or sorrow. The only unfortunate part of it is that we have to endure the hardships of this life before we can get to eternal life. However, the Bible says that this life will seem only momentary and the troubles will seem light once we reach eternity (2 Corinthians 4:17).
God is our hope for eternal life. He is the one who offers it, but He is not asking for you to pay for it. He paid for it and offers it as a gift. He paid for it with blood of His Son Jesus Christ (Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23).
For those who already believe, I want to encourage you a little. Often we struggle with living as we know we should and that sometimes leads to us doubting whether or not we are saved. Here are a couple of verses for you:
Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, The God who is our salvation. Selah. God is to us a God of deliverances; And to GOD the Lord belong escapes from death. (Psalm 68:19-20)If you read the entirety of Psalm 68, you will find that it highlights many of the wonderful attributes and actions of God which demonstrate His greatness as well as the magnitude of His love toward His people. The two above verses stand out particularly because they tell us three things about God's work in our lives:
1. He daily bears our burden. God is our constant source of strength and confidence.
2. He daily bears our burden. He carries all of it (Matthew 11:28-30).
3. He daily bears our burden. Notice that it doesn't say burdens, but burden (singular).
Our greatest burden is the guilt from our own sin. This is self-inflicted guilt. Yet God
is faithful to bear it all for us on the cross of Christ.
Verse 20 reveals the result of God daily bearing our burden. It says that He is a God of deliverances and escapes from death. He delivers time and again because we keep failing. His grace is sufficient for all our failures. God's mercies are new every morning! (Lamentations 3:22-23) The reason His mercies are new every morning because we fail on a daily basis and because we fail, we do not have the good in us that it would take to undo the bad in us. However, when you accept Christ as your Savior and Lord, the Bible says that He credits His righteousness to your account (Romans 4:1-5). Isn't that great news?!
So what should be the end result for those who believe?
1. Unending rejoicing. Gratitude should flow from with in you and overflow to those around you.
2. Undying devotion. Strive to live for Christ at all times and share His offer of salvation
with all. The Bible tells us how to do both.
3. Unshakable confidence. Don't worry about your salvation. Once you accept His forgiveness,
He secures you for eternity. Don't take it for granted, but don't worry. Repent and get back
on track as soon as you realize you have done wrong (John 10:27-30).
How do you need to respond today? Do you still need to accept His gift of salvation? Don't wait. Accept Him and then find a Bible-believing church to connect to so you can grow in your knowledge of Him. Do you need to repent because you have walked away from living a life of gratitude for His salvation? The repent and walk in His light (1 John 1:5-10).
Whatever you need to do, please don't wait. Do it now. What's preventing you?
For God's Glory,
Chris S. Sweet
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